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Breath Alcohol Program

Click here for DMT Operator Manuals

Click here for DMT Supervisor Manuals

The DMT is the evidential breath testing instrument used in the state of Vermont. Local and state agencies use the DMT to measure alcohol content in a subject's breath. The Breath Alcohol Program at the Vermont Forensic Laboratory supplies agencies with evidential breath testing instruments and adequate training in order to operate these instruments. The program holds regular trainings to certify Operators who are police officers that are trained to operate the instrument.

The Breath Alcohol Program is responsible for maintaining the administrative records, along with repair, maintenance and upkeep of the instruments. Along with maintaining records, analysts in the program also make the external control that is used with each breath test. Analysts in the Breath Program routinely provide expert testimony in courts around the state on the topics of impaired driving, alcohol, its properties and the science of forensic alcohol testing.

Records pertaining to the Breath Alcohol Program can be found here:  DMT Discovery

Breath Alcohol FAQ

What is the Vermont Breath Alcohol Program?

The Breath Alcohol Program is a section of the Vermont Forensic Laboratory dedicated to maintaining the operation, quality assurance, and records for the evidential breath alcohol instruments used by police departments around the state, generally for DUI investigations.

What are evidential breath alcohol tests?

As part of a police investigation, it may be necessary for the investigating officer to determine a person’s alcohol level. The police investigator needs rapid and accurate results. To make this determination, the person under investigation provides a sample of his/her breath to an electronic instrument designed for the purpose of identifying alcohol as a component of breath and quantifying the amount of alcohol present.

How are breath alcohol samples reported?

Breath sample results are reported using the units g/210L.

Are DMTs used for roadside testing?

No, they are only used in a secure location such as a police station.

What instrument is used for evidential breath testing in Vermont?

The DMT, produced by Intoximeters, Inc., of St. Louis, MO. Website:

Could you briefly tell us about the instrument?

The DMT is an evidential breath testing instrument that uses Infrared Spectroscopy to identify and quantify alcohol.

Who uses the DMT? How are they trained?

Breath Alcohol Operators and Supervisors are allowed to use the instrument. Operators are police officers who have completed the DMT operator training course and have passed a test (written and practical) to receive certification. Supervisors are Operators who have completed additional training by Vermont Forensic Laboratory to perform simple maintenance and repairs on DMT instruments in the field and to act as liaisons between the agency and Vermont Forensic Laboratory.

What is the difference between a Supervisor and an Operator?

The training a Supervisor has is more in depth than for an Operator. A Supervisor is able to help troubleshoot any mechanical or environmental problems that may arise. Operators can perform subject tests, but not much beyond that.

Does the DMT test for anything besides alcohol?

Ethyl alcohol is the only substance the DMT will report a value for. Any other alcohols at similar wavelengths will be reported as an interference.